Thursday, April 17, 2008

Time to Fight Fire w/ Fire

Here is part three in the "dude fighting a dragon" series. I'm pretty proud of the drawing I did here, though I'm not so happy with the dudes face, and the colouring so much.

Either way, still good. Maybe NEXT time I'll draw the dragon.

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Faerie Queen

Firstly, here is a new drawing, of my friend Mish, continuing my computer colouring. Her online name is related to faeries, so I threw some wings on there :D Hope she likes it.

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Don't Play w/ Fire

The dude returns, still fighting the dragon. Hopefully next time I might draw said dragon :P

Will he survive the frightful battle??!?! Maybe I'll make a poll about it... Enjoy!

Thursday, April 3, 2008

Dude Fighting Dragon

I was in a drawing mood earlier today and I ended up with a fierce looking dood with a sword. I drew it in pen, and I figured I'd try out painting the colour in photoshop. I think it turned out pretty rad :D

Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Decorus Ligatio Inamorata

Inamorata in my closet, how can I say no?

These were done in the closet of the spare room at my house. Don't worry, the horsey wasn't hurt during filming :P

Decorus Ligatio Inamorata Part 2

We didn't just take photos in the closet, oh no. We branched out to the leather super chair we've got in the spare room. She brought the umbrella, and I brought the camera :P

Personally, I think the last photo is the one that is my favorite, I love how the light from the window makes her and the photo glow. Cool stuff.

Decorus Ligatio Inamorata Part 3

A pair of photos that Mel had the idea for. The word written on the inside of her lip, in case you can't read, is "ecstasy."

Decorus Ligatio Inamorata Part 4

The fourth batch in this set with Mel.

Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Decorus Ligatio Inamorata Part 5

The last of photos in this set with Mel.

In Life You Can't Explain...

This is a batch of photos that I've done with Kat, who, if you remember, I drew a very large flower on her back. After quite some time, all the photos are finished, and are ready to be posted :)


In Life You Can't Explain... Part 2

This batch of photos was taken in the bathroom, right as the sun was setting. The light wasn't particularily bright, which is why they're grainy. I had to brighten them up significantly in photoshop to get them to look good.

That said, I do actually really like them.

In Life You Can't Explain... Part 3

The photos in this batch are a bit dark, so you might have to squint. Sadly, the lamps that I used weren't bright enough.

However, I think that we still got some slick photos, with Kat looking all awesome.

In Life You Can't Explain... Part 4

More of the black and white photos by the windowsill. Actually, I'm pretty sure I've now used every place in my house that can be used for photos, and need to venture OUTSIDE for more locations :P

In this batch more super awesome beautiful photos of Kat in B&W. My favorite of this bunch is probably the second last one, I think it's her expression that does it.

In Life You Can't Explain... Part 5

Not to be outdone by posting 11 posts in one day, I'm posting a whole whack more!!!

These are age old Kat photos that I've finally FINALLY managed to finish up. I think I took the photos way back either in December or early January. Whichever it was, these photos are long overdue for a posting.

I sure hope Kat likes them :)

This is the last batch that I've putting up, once again in reverse order. This batch of the black and white ones has some more of my favorite shots, including the top photo... I don't know what it is, her expression or what, but I love it.

The Journey to Trent - Part 11: In Summation (That's What She Said)

Finally, I leave you with two photos of two cool dudes, Alistair and Riley.